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/ The Perfect PC - Ultimate Utilities / The Perfect PC - The Multimedia Compliment to PC Magazine - Ultimate Utilities (Ziff-Davis)(Volume 4 Number 2)(1996).ISO / wincim

Jump To: Archive (21)  |  Text (2)  |  Other (5)

Archives (21)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
_inst16.ex_ InstallShield Installer Archive 271KB 1995-09-06
_setup.lib InstallShield Z Archive 21 123KB 1996-04-29
almanac.hl_ InstallShield Z Archive 1 2KB 1996-04-29
cctc230.dl_ InstallShield Z Archive 1 97KB 1996-04-29
cid.lib InstallShield Z Archive 6 119KB 1996-04-29
custom.lib InstallShield Z Archive 2 12KB 1996-01-31
explore.lib InstallShield Z Archive 2 44KB 1996-04-29
fcabinet.lib InstallShield Z Archive 9 963b 1996-04-29
glossry.hl_ InstallShield Z Archive 1 29KB 1996-04-29
gocserve.ex_ InstallShield Z Archive 1 5KB 1996-04-29
lib1.lib InstallShield Z Archive 4 73KB 1996-04-29
netscape.lib InstallShield Z Archive 12 1MB 1996-04-29
nsole.lib InstallShield Z Archive 10 542KB 1996-04-29
nsplug.lib InstallShield Z Archive 1 7KB 1996-04-29
scripts.lib InstallShield Z Archive 29 32KB 1996-04-29
support.lib InstallShield Z Archive 4 3KB 1996-05-14
wincim.hl_ InstallShield Z Archive 1 332KB 1996-04-29
wincim.lib InstallShield Z Archive 5 619KB 1996-04-29
wincim2.lib InstallShield Z Archive 8 155KB 1996-05-14
winsign.lib InstallShield Z Archive 22 125KB 1996-05-14
winsock.dl_ InstallShield Z Archive 1 57KB 1996-04-29

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
netscape.ini INI File 187 3KB 1996-05-20
setup.ini INI File 3 33b 1995-10-27

Other Files (5)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
_isdel.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 8KB 1995-08-06
_setup.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2 10KB 1995-09-01
setup.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 48KB 1995-09-07
wcinst.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 4MB 1995-11-21
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
setup.ins InstallShield Script 61KB 1996-04-29